As I've stated in my previous self-analysis I aspired to be a tattoo artist at a young age, but after working within the scene and developing good connections and friends it didn't all turn out as it seems, which turned me back into full time studying Graphic Design. I began developing an interest in design within the fashions industry but mainly companies like Nike, Adidas, Footlocker etc, the advertisements for their products specifically shoes were always different and unique = versatile, which I why I believe it would be a good approach for me, also having worked in Foot-asylum I believe I have experience to work with, such as what appeals to the customer, the demographic etc on the other hand whilst I find working for companies like that appealing, I also find freelance interesting as I've also had experience in that area too. The reason behind working freelance is I feel its a lot more open when it comes to work, I can pick and choose who I work with and for along with being chosen for my own style of work so I can focus on doing the style I enjoy a lot more.
I'm inspired primarily by Carolyn Davidson who is famously known for designing the Nike swoosh, I'm a fan of minimalism and at how much the simple tick has made such an impact, the logo is easily recognizable to the public eye, I also enjoy how NIKE's font is constantly developing, ranging from Futura to Trade Gothic Bold and continues to interpret different typefaces within their designs - some fonts used on Nikes products, from adverts to clothing
In terms of dark lettering and as to where I developed my passion for it was during my time in the tattoo studio. Whilst working there I was told a lot about many different artists and their styles alongside how they achieve them, two artists in particular caught my attention, Gromov6666 and Young-hearted, these two artists caught my attention for the rough and dirty yet oddly appealing work they produced, the styles primarily known as dark lettering and dark mandala. The reason I was so interested in this style of work is because it takes such a heavy spin on general mandala and calligraphy, it incorporates a lot of details and symmetry usually. Here are some examples and links to Gromov and Young-hearted
Young-hearted -
Gromov -
I'm inspired primarily by Carolyn Davidson who is famously known for designing the Nike swoosh, I'm a fan of minimalism and at how much the simple tick has made such an impact, the logo is easily recognizable to the public eye, I also enjoy how NIKE's font is constantly developing, ranging from Futura to Trade Gothic Bold and continues to interpret different typefaces within their designs - some fonts used on Nikes products, from adverts to clothing
In terms of dark lettering and as to where I developed my passion for it was during my time in the tattoo studio. Whilst working there I was told a lot about many different artists and their styles alongside how they achieve them, two artists in particular caught my attention, Gromov6666 and Young-hearted, these two artists caught my attention for the rough and dirty yet oddly appealing work they produced, the styles primarily known as dark lettering and dark mandala. The reason I was so interested in this style of work is because it takes such a heavy spin on general mandala and calligraphy, it incorporates a lot of details and symmetry usually. Here are some examples and links to Gromov and Young-hearted
Young-hearted -
Gromov -

A youtuber called Jake Rainis, is a Boston-based calligraphy artist who specializes in black-lettering, watching his YouTube videos helped me significantly in producing dark lettering and taught me a lot on how to customize my brushes in procreate and the rules within black lettering, links to his Instagram and YouTube account will follow
Will Paterson I also occasionally watch, he kind of acts like a teacher of all things Graphic Design, he specializes in brand and logo design primarily but all his tips and tricks add up in helping in areas you in particular are keen on. Whenever I'm in a creative slump I tend to stray into his direction for direction as he provides me with entertainment and the motivation I need within Graphic Design